Episode 42 “Breakout and Breakaway” with guests Steve Gera and Kyle Castilleja

The Breakaway Data app indicates the performance of wide receiver Kyle Castilleja as he runs a receiver route. (Image Credit: Kyle Castilleja Twitter)

With the XFL summer showcases complete, we are now seeing players posting videos and analytics taken from their “Breakaway Data” app where they can see specifics about their showcase workouts. It’s a fascinating insight into the level of technology Breakaway Data brought to the XFL showcases.

In this podcast Mark Nelson speaks to two guests. First you will hear from Steve Gera, founder/investor of Breakaway Data. Steve will talk about how the Breakaway Data system works, and give some insight into what kinds of analytics their field labs technology can record.

The second guest is wide receiver Kyle Castilleja. Kyle recently attended the Arlington, Texas showcase, and is one of the players who has posted some of his Breakaway Data online. Kyle is an up and coming player who has a personal interest in player performance, and is someone who is always looking to improve his game. We will talk about all that, and hear the story of Kyle’s fascinating athletic career that has taken him to where he is today.

This episode is called “Breakout and Breakaway.” It features a young football player who is making strides to break out into the realm of professional football, and about a football coach, mentor and technical wizard who is providing a tool that can give players and coaches a chance to breakaway from the pack.

Direct link to podcast: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Gzi7QEGatsb

Music: Are You Ready – Free music archive.