As per the terms of service, abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening posts are not allowed.
As per the terms of service, sexually-orientated posts are not allowed.
Trolling and flaming are not allowed. This forum doesn’t work well with trolls and inflammatory language. We feel that heated discussion is fine. However, if a user appears to be present in this board just to troll and insult other users, they will be given a warning first and then will be banned second. Have good discussions, share knowledge, disagree if you have to, just don’t attack and insult other users for no reason.
Political opinions are not allowed in discussions. We talk about football here, and we leave political opinions out of it.
Fake news will be moderated. For example, anything that does not pass a search for validity at "Snopes" will be deleted.
Culturally insensitive posts will be moderated. For example, this includes referring to "China” and “Virus," either with words combined or used together in a phrase, anti-LGBTT sentiments, or racially insensitive references. We can talk about football without doing this.